Friends of Sheamah Holistic Therapies

Develop your depth of understanding. Explore,  grow and share your experiences 

Our friends and associates support your journey

As Sheamah Holistic Therapies continues to grow and develop I am honoured that a variety of individuals, teachers, groups, organisations and companies choose to use the Yurts and Meadowside Berkeley Heath, Berkeley, Gloucestershire for their events, courses and workshops.

I feel passionate about the Yurts and all that they offer. I am guided by Spirit, the Universal Energy Life Force and feel the strong, close connection to Mother Earth. The people that visit the Yurts and experience Sheamah Holistic Therapies leave a special part of themselves behind, they leave their love, their joy  and their hope for a brighter day and a brighter future….. Namaste.

Here are some of the websites and Facebook links of groups and people that maybe of interest to you. Please take a look at their websites and Facebook pages. You may find their work and information useful for gaining knowledge on your Spiritual Journey

Bards of Avalon

Bea Martin and David create therapeutic soundscape, tailored to your needs and intents. You are bathed in heavenly harmonies and the sounds of a Wind Gong, Himalayan Temple Gong and bowls, koshi chimes and other sound treasures.

Glen Miles Psychic Medium

Glen Miles is an experienced psychic medium and has been working with Spirit to give messages from loved ones.Glen trained under the international medium Simon Goodfellow. Glen won 2017 student of the year at the Simon Goodfellow Spiritual Student Fair.He has been working in this field for 9 years. Glen has been on tour all over the UK giving readings and Psychic Fair demonstrations. He is a genuine and sincere gentleman who enjoys working with people on a 1:1; group level and large audiences to pass messages from Spirit onto loved ones.


Cloudsong (Steve Highawk) has has been visiting the yurt since from the very beginning. He is a true master of the Hand pan and the Native American Flute. The sounds Cloudsong is sensational and he connects with people on a real and personal level. The sound combination of these ethereal instruments take you into a state of relaxed alpha/theta state of mind. Cloudsong has travelled country and performed in many venues spreading his music and really helping people to connect with themselves. Steve has has produced many Cds, makes native american craft work sticking to authentic traditions

Steve also makes and produces amazing Native American art work and stays authentically to their making traditions.

Contact Steve on Facebook: Cloudsong Arts and through his Etsey Shop

Omazing Grace Holistic Therapies & Sound Therapies.

Rebecca’s passion is to nuture, hold space and to pursue her love of sound therapy. Her personal sound journey began 5 years ago when doing her Reiki Level 2 Attunement in Chalice Well,Glastonbury. Her Reiki Master treated her to a crystal bowl sound bath at the Shekinasram Centre and that is where she first found peace in herself. After that she attended all gong pujas, regular sound baths and used tuning fork therapies everyday.Being a believer that’Sound is the medicine of the future’ Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) Rebecca holds workshops and 1:1sessions in tuning forks and sound therapy. Rebecca trained Suara Sound and has become Ambassador and is continuing her training in tuning fork therapy.

Angela Gillingham – Pilates Teacher

Pilates exercise is truly an activity for everyone. It consists of low impact, flexibility and strength exercises from the physically fit to the absolute beginners. more importantly, aids recovery from injury and illness with each session leaving you with a sense of well being and calm.

Angela started practising Pilates over 12 years ago after a knee operation and loved the results. She could see and feel the benefits quickly so decided to teach and share the results with others.

Angela has worked in the Health and Fitness Industry for 30 years teaching many different styles of exercise.

‘I love teaching fitness but Pilates gives me a real sense of achievement as many of my clients suffer from physical ailments’

Angela has a level 3 diploma in Mat Pilates and teaches regular group classes and private 1:1 sessions. Angela is a delightful person to work with and genuinely cares for people. She is a true professional and has an excellent knowledge base on Health and Fitness.

 Nikki Dyason

Reiki Grand Master / Teacher; Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher; Quantum Light Reiki Grand Master Healer; Beyond Quantum Healing Teacher and Practitioner; Atlantian Reiki and Lemurian Light Master Teacher; Dragon Energy Practitioner/Teacher   07833 360301


Karen Crowcombe – The Great Life Project

Karen Crowcombe from The Great Life Project. About Karen. She has been an instructor for 28 years, spending 16 of those years living in Spain. Returning to the UK in 2012 she now teaches fitness and specialises in Pilates and Yoga. Karen runs group classes and private 1:1  sessions

Karen is a remarkable lady and a highly qualified teacher, with vast experience. We are so lucky and fortunate to have Karen working in the Yurt on a regular basis doig Pilates and Yoga. Please visit her website

Facebook / Instagram page Great Life Project.

Classes are starting in the Yurt 5th September 2022

To book classes with Karen email :