Safe environment basking in ambience
Sheamah means Energy from Love. The love of learning, love of sharing, love of being with like minded souls. The love of being in nature, engaging with her, nurturing her as she nurtures us. Sheamah was my first Spiritual guide, a German shepherd dog. She watches out for me, protects me and guides me on my journey.
Events, workshops and courses
I host and run a wide range of events, workshops and courses. Join me and explore our journey together, connecting to Mother Earth ,the Universal Energy and Cosmos. Lets reach for the Stars ….. Namaste
home A wonderful space to share journeys and personal experiences
I have moved on from my two enchanting yurts, set amongst the grounds and gardens of Meadowside. My journey has moved into a new chapter , a different home for Sheamah Holistic Therapies. Offering treatments, courses, workshops. My new home has its unique atmosphere and energy. My garden will grow and develop into a sanctuary for wildlife, as I make it a haven for birds, butterflies and those small creatures that hide themselves in the soil and long grass and wildflowers. In the cooler evenings the outside space will have a fire pit and the wind chimes will caress the wind and play a soothing tune..
Looking to connect with your spiritual side?
Wherever you are in your journey, we are here for you.
I’m sure we all have stories to tell about our life and Spiritual journey. I cannot put my journey down to coincidence, believe that I am guided by the Divine Light, the Creator. We all have choices. One thing I am sure about is that I am guided and loved.
Meet Jules
My journey started in 2002 when I was diagnosed with epilepsy and heart issues later on in life.It really goes back to my childhood, the influence of family, friends and life experiences. These experiences have shaped me and made me look at life differently. Always interested in nature, the environment, the changing seasons, the natural forces of earth’s energy and how it impacts on all living things.
I feel blessed to have supportive friends, Spiritual friends and teachers, working with Spirit, Universal Energy Life force, Ancestors and Guides. The love, the guidance, fun and laughter we share.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need experience before Embarking on my Spiritual journey?
We cater for everyone, whether at the start of your journey or somebody who regularly engages with their spiritual side.
Connect with me and we can forge a path together. We all learn from each other and are part of an incredible family. Networking is key, sharing is invaluable.
I am interested in the courses. How do I get started?
Contact Jules and just discuss what you would like to do. There is no obilgation and I’m always willing to help and support you.
When we set an intent to learn something we always find the right teacher to meet our needs.
I am interested in corses and workshops, where do I begin?
I believe when you seek and set an intent to learn and grow on your Spiritual journey, you always find the the correct teacher and the correct location to fulfill that need. Always ask questions, seek out the answers that fit your requirements. Make sure you connect with the teacher or the provider of the course. You will know what is right for you because it will feel right in your heart space.
Reiki treatments, Courses , Workshops, are run from my home and garden. I may be hiring venues from time to time. Please check my website and Facebook page for details. I also offer online and zoom courses. I’m planning my garden space at the moment, making it a haven for wildlife and wildflowers, attracting bees and butterflies. I’m having fun designing a sacred place to gather and share our journeys. There will certainly be a fire pit area ideal for those cooler days and nights. The Reiki treatments and Reiki courses take place in my lovely home and I have a designated room for reiki and courses. It is a lovely safe, sacred space, with crystals, drums and singing bowels. The Reiki sessions take place under a copper pyramid with the flower of life mat setting the crystal grids in place. This all enhances the energies during the Reiki sessions. Mediumship evenings are on a monthly basis and gives like- minded souls an opportunity to explore and share their gift of Mediumship. As Sheamah Holistic Therapies develops into a new phase who knows Yurts may feature again.
I run Meditation courses and guided meditations. In the Spring and Summer the outside space, fire pit is ideal to gather with friends or star gaze on a clear night or enjoy the sunsets. I feel very blessed and although I miss my Yurts I am excited to embrace all that Sheamah Holistic Therapies offers me and the wider community.
Sheamah Holidstic Therapies contnues to grow….. watch this space.
Holistic healing, Spiritual healing, Reiki, Golden Ray & Rainbow Ray Healing. Oracle and Tarot Readings. Certificated Reiki Courses all levels,Golden Ray Practitioner certificated courses. Healing Shares, Sound Baths, Drumming Circles, Meditations, Native American Flute Group, Mediumship demonstrations, Mediumship Courses, Tarot Courses. Creative Craft Courses,
.Sheamah Holistic Therapies, Jules and my lovely dogs Toffee and Meg aare looking forward to welcoming to our home and sharing our journeys.
We live in a beautiful part of the Berkeley Vale not far from the River Severn. Seek us out.